The Party, The Party

I know it's been a long time since i posted. My health and world of warcraft have kept me away lol. Yeah i'm a gay nerd :P
I was going thru some other blogs and one i was reading reminded me of this awesome group i was a super fan of in the 90's. I recommend clicking on the highlited area cuz that blog is awesome! The Party who was Chase, Dee Dee, Tiffani, Albert and Damon were spawned from Disney. They created a pure pop group of fabulosity! They had some really good material and super producers working on their stuff. 2 well known from Madonna's career Stephen Bray and Jellybean to name a few. I really loved this cd when i was in junior high and still love it today. I hope u enjoy it!! One of my fave tracks on here is the jellybean produced "I Found Love". Their material is super hard to find. I'm still looking for their "Greatest Hits" CD so if anyone has it i'd love a link to it or where you've seen it!
1. That's Why
2. Coulda Shoulda Woulda
3. I Found Love
4. Walking in the Rain
5. Sugar Is Sweet
6. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
7. Summer Vacation
8. I'm Just Wishin'
9. Storm Me
10. Dancing in the City
11. Rodeo
12. Ton of Bricks
Labels: 90's pop
OMG i just noticed this after commenting on your post of The Party's Over... Thanks for Coming. This is like the best thing ever. Thank you for posting!!! Can't wait to get my nostalgic groove on to I'm Just Wishin' and Dancin' In the City!
also, i do own "greatest hits." if you own all four of their cds, there is nothing new on it. it is frustrating too because the first four tracks (which were from their self-titled album) all have the lead vocals removed. so, i guess it's cool if one decided to have an impromptu "the party" karaoke party. but there's probably only ten people in the world who remember their stuff anyway, so that wouldn't really work. haha. i will try to locate the cd, rip it, and post it somewhere.
thanks peter! that would be awesome!
Hay i have all 4 of there cds i'm so glad i never got rid of them anyway why didn't u stick upthere 3rd cd called (FREE) for the fans dang i miss the 90's such great times. i do wish i could find the cd single private affair i remeber the video was differnt version then the one on the cd. anyway i hope to hear from you soon take care.
the link is dead. nothing there. please up load again asap. would love to down load it
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